Glen Discovery in GlenLyon
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Campbell of Glenorchy Letters 39-47 - 5th April 1565 to 28th August 1565

Date: 5 April 1565
REF: GD112/39/4/2 (SHS ed. No. 39)
Place: Garvie (Glendaruel, Cowal)
From: Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of Argyll
To: Colin Campbell of Glenorchy
Address: To our traist cousyng the Laird off Glenvrquhay delyuer yis

Traist cousyng efter maist hairtlie commendatiounis.

We rasavit zour letter and wnderstandes be saymin ye skayth and slavchter and trubill yat is betuix zou and zour wnfreindis quairof we are nocht glaid.

Ze sall wnderstand yat we haif haldin zour servant here with us quhill our freindis was convenit in ye Garvie.

And efter yair convenyng we consultit for supple to zou aganeis zour vnfreinds.

First yairis past wp to zou alradie Alexander Keir and Donald Oige with twentye four gentillmen.[1]

And as we are informit yat ye Clangregor hes bein awaitand on yair wp passyng for to persew yaim bot awayis yai haif tane their adventure.

And as we beleif and yai meit with ane rasonabill number of ye rybellis yat yai sall do lyk honest men God villing.

And as for mair releif to zou ze sall wit we haif stenttit wpon Lorne, Argyill and Covall xviij scoir of men.[2]

And of yame saxe scoir monethlie or tventy dayis to remane with zou ilk ane efter odir.

And now first we haif ordannit yat ye saxe scoir of Lorne suld pas to zou incontenent God villing and we haif send for MacCoull [3] to cum to us with all delegence for ye saymin effect.

And yairfoir ye sall wryit ane schairpe letter to all zour avyn tenenttis of Lorne to be {rade with all delegence[4] to pas with MacCoullis freindis and our tenenttis to {zour boundis and} efter ye men of Lorne ye men of Ergyill salbe at zou and efter yamen ye men of Covall ordourlie everie cumpanie be {thairselfis}.

And now efter ye seid beis put in ye grovnd ye Laird of Achynbrek himself hes promist to us to pas with ane number of men {to duell in to} Glenvrquhaye for ane sasone.

And as for Airdkyng{las we haif spokin}anevcht to him anenttis yaime and to MacNaichtane {quhay hes bayth promist} to us yat yai sall do yat thyng yat lyis in yair {powareis aganeis yame} yat we maye knaw ye saymin ansueris be yaime.

For we fynd yame weill myndit againis yaime.[5]

And all oderis of ye cuntrie we fynd of ye saymin mynd quhilkis mair nor ze lippynnit for.

And {this we haif}done als meikill for ye sklanderis saik of nychtbouris as for ony skayth yat we haif gottin or ze either.

And fard{are ye sall witt yat} James MacConill hes wryittin to us anenttis ye besines betuix {you and him and} for ye keipyng of ye daye appoynttit in Steirlying.[6]

And he {desyiris}yat ye saymin tryist be in Glasgo or Dunbartane be rasone {thair beis}with him sum of his brether and freindis yat maye nocht weill {pas bye}ye saidis tovneis.

Quhairfoir we thynk best yat {ye appoynt ye daye} ony tyme about Pace [7] and advertiiss us ye saymin daye.

And ye saymin daye to be in ane of ye saidis tovnnis and ze advertiiss ye saymin to {us siklyk yat} we maye advertiiss him of ye saymin yat he maye keip it.
{For we persaif} him weill myndit to ye saymin for favour and luif.

And yis {we pray}to haist ye ansuer heirof to us againe for yair causis.

{And this}we commit zou to God. Off ye Garvie ye fyft {daye of} Appryill 1565. Zouris, Archibald Ergyll

[PS] Commend us hartlie to zour bedfallow.

And as for ye first saxe scoir we thoucht to haif send yaime to zou throw Menteith or ye Lennoxe[8] yairfoir advertiis ze schoirtlie quhat waye ze thynk best to yaime to pas wpe to zou.

[1] Alastair, the brother of Auchinbreck and Donald, the brother of Duntrune captained a force of 24
‘gentlemen’. These men had been sent as part of the Balloch agreement of 20 February, GD112/1/158; MacGregor, thesis, 341.
[2] For the military arrangements, see Introduction.
[3] Dougal MacDougall of Dunollie.
[4] Readings from GD50/116/178-80.
[5] Both Ardkinglass and MacNaughton were related to Gregor MacGregor and so had divided loyalties, see Appendix C.
[6] It is not clear what the business was between Grey Colin and James MacDonald of Dunivaig in which the 5th earl was acting as a mediator.
[7] Pasche (Easter), 22 April 1565.
[8] These routes would avoid going too close to territory in which the MacGregors operated

Date: 5 July 1565
REF: GD112/39/4/9 (SHS ed. No. 41)
Place: Inveraray Castle
From: Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of Argyll
To: Colin Campbell of Glenorchy

Address: To our traist cousyng ye Laird off Glenvrquhaye gif yis Traist cousyng efter maist hairtlie commendatiounis.

We haif rasavit zour letter and wnderstandis be ye saymin ye proceidyngis ze haif bein in till schoirtlie with ye Clangregor[1] and persaifis siklyk be zour wryittyng yat ye Clangregor are nocht zour haill partie yat vald wraik zou onlie bot oderis of zour nychtbouris siklyk as my Lord off Atholl quhom we thynk better dettouris on to zou ffor ye skaycht ze haif gottin nor ze Clangregor.
We have received your letter and understand by the same the proceedings you have been in until recently with the Clan Gregor and perceive from your letter that the Clan Gregor are not the only only party wreaking damage upon your properties, but also upon your neighbours, such as the Lord Atholl who is a better debtor for the damage you have received.

Quairfoir gif ze will pleiss to be off yat mynd as to revenge zour actioun on yame ze salbe assurit off ye best fortificatioun as we maye mak on to zou to be revengit on yame yat hes tain ye actioun in hand.
Therefore if you wish to have revenge for their actions, you can be assured of the best support that we may offer to have revenge on them.

For howsone ze pleiss we sall nocht faill God willyng to send on to zou ane thousand off our men [2] or mayr as ze pleiss to ye saymin effect to be revengit [upoun yaim] yat makis to be zour partie. And ze till wse yame as ze pleiss zourself yairintill.
For we shall not fail, God willing, to send you a thousand of our men or more as you please, to have your revenge on your enemies. And you may use them as you see fit.

For ze maye be assurit yat we will... ... and to defend zour houss fra ony vraik as our awin and yairfoir we wald yat ye best ware done yairintill schoirtlie.
For you may be assured that we will [support you?} and defend your house from any assault as if it was our own and therefore would that it was best done as soon as possible.

For yis sa man... of fortificatioun we maye mak on to zou bot ye saymin salbe maid to ye vttermest of our pover.
But if we do reinforce you, it shall be done to the utmost of our strength.

And ffardare as [to ye Clangregor] seyng now quhat cumir we our self are in till and [ye bayth we vald] be rycht glaid yat ze wald lait wit over cum will in zat matter quhilkis yat ze wald submit zour self to ze jugement off us and our freindis anenttis ye saidis actioun.
And further as to the Clan Gregor seeing what troubles we ourselves are in, and [yourself too] we would be very happy you will overcome and that you would submit yourself to the judgement of ourselves and our friends concerning the actions you plan.

For we thynk gif ze wald be contenttit to do ye saym in yat we mycht zit fynd ane vaye yat the Clangregor mycht becum guid servanttis to wair yame selfis aganeis oderris with us and zou bayth.
For we think if they would be content to do the same, we might find a way that the Clan Gregor would become good servants in conflict on our behalf and yours against others. (The followers of the Queen - especially the Earl of Atholl)

And yis we thynk wer ze best to be done for and yai ware ouris we mycht causs yaim till wair yaime selfis fardare nor oderis.[3]
And this we think for the best done so that they would exhaust themselves in conflict on our behalf against others.

And we haif wryittin on to zou in ane oder bill ye heidis yat wilbe thoucht guid be us and our freindis to be done betuix zou and yame.
And we have written to you in an appendix [below] the subheadings which we thought of benefit to us and our friends [for a settlement] between you and them.

[Ze quhilk] gif ze will do ze saymin and byid yairat yat ze send on to us with thir berrareis zour hand wryit yairanenttis yat ze matter may be dressit ye better.
If you will do the same and wait for now, send your hand written agreement on this matter to us by the bearer so that this matter may be agreed.

And ffardare gif ze wilbe of [ze mynd that ze will] nocht in na vayis haif ye Clangregor to be our servan[ttis and zouris bayth] as we haid rathare yat yai ware ouris.
Furthermore if you will be of the same mind as me, we can have the Clan Gregor be servants to both me and you, as we had rather that they were ours.

Ze salbe assurit hoveuer it be of our fortificatioun to ye vttermest of our povare and viss [4] sayvin as zour visdom will thynk best and alvayis advertiiss us w... is zour mynd in all ye heidis yat salbe in ye oder tikat.[5]
You shall be assured, however, that you will be defended to the uttermost of our power and advice, saving your own discretion as you think best, let us know your thoughts on the subheadings below

And as to ye supporit ze desyir presentlie we haif nocht with us bot ... -las[6] onlie bot within four dayis heirefter we haif apponynttit ... of Achynbrek and MacCoull [7] and certaine oderis freindis to be heir con... saidis daye yat we haif appaynt quhilkis within thrie or four dayis.
And as to the support you want presently we have nothing at the moment, but in four days we have appointed Auchinbreck and MacDougall of Dunollie and certain other friends to be here, within three or four days of the appointed day..

For we beleif yat quhein yai convein yat yai sall thynk guid till ... send wp on to zou sik fortificatioun as maye nocht weill be resistit be ony yat wilbe in ye contrare.
For we believe that when they meet they shall consider matters and perhaps send to you the reinforcements necessary to resist anything brought against you.

Bot alvayiss haist yir beirrar eis with zour zour(sic) mynd.
But always hasten the bearer back to me with your thoughts.

And yairefter we sall send wp als sone as is possibill ane thousand off our men or mayr.
And thereafter we shall send up as soon as possible a thousand or more of our men.

And as tovairttis ye Clangregor and we knew zour mynd we mycht do yairefter in ye mein tym yat men wilbe ryissand.
And as towards the Clan Gregor, once we know your opinion we might do afterwards when it can be justified.

Yairfoir haist ye beirrare with all delegence to quhom ze sall gif credence.
Therefore hasten the bearer [back to us] with all diligence [with your reply].

And yis we refer all thyngis to ye returnyng off ye beirrare.
And so we wait for the bearer's return.

And sa we commit zou to God.
Off Inveraraye ye fyft daye off Julij 1565 . Zouris, Archibald Ergyll [PS ] And ffardare we praye zou to wryit to Maknaicht aneis tennenttis yat was in Teirarthuir [8] till pas in ye land againe in to Maknaichtaneis name.
Further, we request that you write to MacNaughton's tenant in Tirarthur about the renewal of his tenancy

For we sall causs him and his be willyng to do zou guid service.
For we shall press him and his to be willing to do you good service.

For his part maye be weill knawin be zour self for his part is guid and nawe guid and gif he keipis nocht ye saymin guid part in tymeis cumyng we sall requeist als ernestlie to put him out off ye saymin again for it maye be done or tym off fermes be to tak wpe.[9] And send vord with yis beirrare againe heir ane nttis.
Make it clear to him [MacNaughton's tenant] that he should cooperate with you, otherwise MacNaughton's own tenancies may not be renewed by the Earl. And send word by the bearer.

Archibald Ergyll Memorandum.[10] Yir are ye heidis yat we thynk ye Clangregor suld be exceptit be us and be ye Laird off Glenvrquhaye in consideratioun off matteris as yai stand in ye realme presentlye.
These are the subheadings that we think should be imposed by us and the Laird of Glenorchy on the Clan Gregor in consideration of wider affairs currently in the realm.

Item. In ye first yat ye Laird sall send me his hand vryit to stand at yir articlis yat salbe wnder wryittin.
Firstly that the Laird should reply in writing that he agrees with these articles.

Item. Yat MacGregor and samonye as wsis his consa[ll] off his kin and dependerris on and samonye as he vill put in bill to offer him and yame in our willis and ye Lairdis provyiding yat I and ye Laird mak yame suir off yair lyiffis and MacGregouris heretaige and his kyndlie rovmeis.
That MacGregor and as many that takes his advice, of his clan and dependants and as many other followers he has, agree to our will (Argyll and Glenorchy) that we will guarantee their lives and MacGregor's inheritance and his lands (kindly rooms).

Exceptit providit yat ye Laird be satisfeit at our sycht and our freindis [sycht be] ye saidis Makgregor for his entres and mareaige of his heretaige and kyndlie rovmeis allanerlie.
With the exceptional provision that the Laird is satisfied by ourselves (the Earl) for MacGregor's entry into his lands and marriage.

And at ye Laird be guid and kyndlie maister to him and his dependeris on accordyng to yair guid service.
And that the Laird be a good and kindly master to him and his dependents conditional on his good service. [Note: kindly in this sense does not imply 'being nice' but having respect for the rights of kindred to the lands of their ancestors]

And gif ze will nocht be contenttit with yis saymin advertiis us in haist and all wayiss we sall send ye men promisit in my oder wryittyng.
And if you are unhappy with this, let us know in haste, and we shall send you the men promised in my earlier letter.

And gif ye Laird beis contenttit with ye saymin yat he send his assurance to us to be maid on to Makgregor and his dependerris ffor we will send na assurance of ouris to yame quhill zour ansuer cum againe.
And if the laird is content with this, he should send his guarantees to us to be given to MacGregor and his dependents, for we will not send an assurance ourselves until we receive your reply.

And we nor nane of ouris knawis nocht zit quhidder ye men be bundin to nane oderris or now bot we haif haird off ye saymin and sall haif intellegence off ye saymin or ye berrare returne againe.
We, nor any of ours, shall not bind our men to others until we have intelligence from you of the same and the bearer has returned to us.
Archibald Ergyll

[1] This letter was probably carried by Gregor MacAne, 6 July 1565[42]. Letters of fire and sword had been issued by the 5th earl against the MacGregors from Dunstaffnage Castle in Lorn, 16 June 1565, GD112/1/159; BBT, 211-2.
[2] For the military arrangements and the background to the Chase-about Raid, see Introduction.
[3] Argyll was suggesting the ploy that a settlement should be made with the MacGregors who would then be employed against Campbell enemies and deliberately ‘sent into the front line’ (cf King David’s orders concerning Uriah the Hititte!), MacGregor, thesis, 347-50.
[4] Possibly ‘vyse’ or ‘vysing’: to bethink oneself or advice.
[5] See Memo below.
[6] Probably Ardkinglass, see 6 July 1565 [42].
[7] Auchinbreck and MacDougall of Dunollie.
[8] MacNaughton of Dunderarve’s tenants in Teirarthur, which is just north-east of Finlarig at the west end of Loch Tay.
[9] If MacNaughton did not co-operate in the future, the 5th earl would not grant him the leases which were coming up for renewal.
[10] On a separate sheet. Proposal for a settlement with the MacGregors, see Grey Colin’s reply 9 July 1565 [43]; MacGregor, thesis, 350-1.

Date:6 July 1565
REF:GD112/39/4/10 (SHS ed. No. 42)
Place: Ardkinglass Castle (Loch Fyne, Argyll)
From: James Campbell of Ardkinglass
To: Colin Campbell of Glenorchy
Address: To the rychtt honorable Lard of Glenvrquhay gif this

Honorable Sir eftir my maist hartlie commendatiouns.

I rasavitt zour lettir fra zour serwand Dougall Campbell and sall assuritle lawbour to putt ye haill heiddis of ye samin to ane end as ze wreitt in sway far as lyis in my powar.

For eftir I rasavit zour lettir I passitt to me Lord quhayis mynd Gregar MacEin hes to schaw zow att lenith eftir sik consultatioun as he haid for ye tym.[1]

Quhairfor I pray zow effectusle baith for zour awin weill and my Lordis to tak sik awysment in MacGregars maters instantle yat this be ye last commonying yat ewir ze hawe ado with tham.

And I wos assuritt giwe ye mater hed tain ein end att zour last commonyng with me Lord yat he wald hawe don zow serwice quhar ze desyir ye samin maist ernistlie to be doin as I trest he will do zitt.

 Gif thair be na fardar prosiditt betuix him and ony wderis nor I hawe hard of as zitt bott I sall do deligense to knaw yairof afor yis berar returin.

Aliss ze sall witt yat I hawe hard yat the Clangregor ar cumin awyis yir partis owit of Monteith and is nocht assurit yairof as zit.

I am effreyitt to latt zour serwand pass quhill I knaw ye vay to be assuritt to hym for I wald nocht for yat yat(sic) I am [acland] [2] yat he gatt skeyth passand fra me.

Yairfor I thocht guid to stay hyim quhill Gregar returin.

For trewlie giff yat I war nocht speikand feise to feise with MacGregar yair is na vdir of his cumpany that I vald beliwe into.

Haifand na fardar to wreit to zow presentlie bott prayis zow sein ze se ye warld passis to sik cumeris and malise baith in zour contrai and zour cheiffs [3] yat ze will latt zour witt orcum [4] zour will for ane schortt tym.

Nocht dowittand yat God will be ye Fardar fra ye sending of zour desyris to zow.

Fardar ye sall gif creditt to yis berar.

And sway committis zow to God. Frome Ardkinglass ye vj day of Juli 1565.

Zouris assuritt att his poware, James Campbell of Ardkinglass

[1] Gregor MacAne was being used as a go-between in the negotiations with the MacGregors and probably carried the 5th earl’s letter 5 July 1565 [41].
[2] It is not clear what this word is, but it means loath to or unwilling.
[3] Reference to the opposition to the Darnley marriage leading to the Chase-about Raid, in which the 5th earl was heavily involved, see Introduction.
[4] Overcome. The same phrase about wit overcoming will, or reason conquering emotion, which had been used in Argyll's letter [41].

Date: 9 July 1565
REF: GD 112/39/4/12 (SHS ed. No. 43)
Place: Balloch Castle
From: Colin Campbell of Glenorchy
To: Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of Argyll
Endorsement: Copy of my Lord Argyillis bill delyverit ye ix of Julii 1565

My Lord efter hartlie commendatioun of service. I have sein zour Lordshipis writing[1] makand mentioun yat zour Lordship persaifis yat it is nocht onlie ye Clangregor yat is incontrar me bot ye Erll of Atthoill in lyk maner quha is ane better dettour.
My Lord, .. I have seen your letter in which you say that you understand that it is not only the Clan Gregor that are against me, but also the Earl of Atholl who is as great a threat to me.

Indeid my Lord I grant ye samin and prayis God gif it had bein his pleissir gif I behuvit[2] to have sufferit sa mekle skaytht as I have gottin yat it had bein ye Erll of Athoill yat had bein ye doar yairof rathar nor yaim yat hes doun it.
Indeed, My Lord, I agree with you and praise God if it has been His pleasure for me to suffer such great damage as I have, that it had been the Earl of Atholl's doing rather than them that actually did it.

And quhair zour Lordship writis yat zour Lordship wald send me ane thousand men conforme to my first writing or ma gif I pleissit to revenge my displeissir doun onto me.
Your Lordship wrote that he would send me a thousand men, in accordance with my earlier requests, so that I can take my revenge for the damage done to me.

As to yat gif yat ye men had cum to me in ane quyat maner and zour Lordshipis presens to have bein heir in Ballocht it had bein ane sufficient cummer and I hopit in God yat ye Erll of Athoill suld have had grettar dysplessir yan evir he did to zour Lordship or to me.
With regard to that, if these men had quietly been sent to me and with your Lordship also present here at Balloch Castle, it would have been much better; and then that the Earl of Atholl would have suffered greater disadvantage than he ever managed to do to your Lordship and myself.

Bot now presentlie my Lord Secretar my Lord Sanctcolmes Ynche and ye Justice Clark cam to Ruthven yis last Setterday at evin at ye Quenis Majesteis command with chargis to zour Lordship to ye Erlle Athoill and me vnder ye pains of tressoun yat na convocatioun of ye Quenis legis be maid onto ye tyme yat Hir Majeste be forder adwyisit.[3]
But for the present, William Maitland of Lethington, James Stewart, Commendator of Inchcolm, and Sir John Bellenden, the Justice Clark, came to Ruthven Castle last Saturday evening with the Queen's commands to your Lordship, the Earl of Atholl and myself, under pain of treason, that no such martial gathering should be made until Her Majesty permits.

Quha purchesit yir letters zour Lordship man considder efterwart.[4]
Your Lordship may wish to consider later who requested this royal instruction.

My Lord of Sanctcolmes Ynche and ye Justice Clark beis in Balloch yis Mononday[5] at evin and yair efter passis fordward to zour Lordship and my Lord Secretar and my Lord Ruthven passis to ye Erll of Athoill in lik maner.
Lord James Stewart, Commendator of Inchcolm, and Sir John Bellenden, the Justice Clark, visited me in Balloch on Monday evening (9th July) and thereafter were to go on to meet your Lordship. The Lord Secretary and Lord Ruthven were to go to meet with the Earl of Atholl likewise.

My Lord I am nocht in my awin of yis be ressoun yat my geir is laitlie tain fra me by ordor and I ma nocht tak geir againe nor zour Lordship yat wald assist to me and vyer freindis.
My Lord, I am unhappy about this as my weapons have been taken from me by order, and I am not permitted to take up weapons again, nor can I call on the help of your Lordship and other friends.

Your Lordship ma persaif yis is ane grett pertialitie.
Your Lordship should understand this command is of great unfairness.

Quhair zour Lordship writis toward ye Clangregor and sayis yat zour Lordship wald yat I lat my wit gang our my will be ressoun of yis trubles wardeit.[6]
Where your Lordship writes about the Clan Gregor saying that you wish me to stand down my forces to settle the troubles.

And yat zour Lordship belevis yat ye Clangregor wald mak service vpon vyeris and to yat effect desyris me yat I wald byid at ye seycht of zour Lordship and freindis. As to yat zour Lordship knawis yat I was nevir by yat and zour Lordship hes ane writing vpoun ye samin.
Also that your Lordship believes that the Clan Gregor might offer their services to others, [Does he mean serve Atholl against the Campbells?] and therefore you ask me to do no more until you and your friends decide on a suitable course.

And gif zour Lordship pleissis at vyer hedis with ye adwyiss of freindis yat zour Lordship thinkis mair for my weill and mak ye samin knawin to me I am content to byid yairat.
If your Lordship, with advice from his friends, thinks that this will be in my best interests and instructs me accordingly, then I will do as you ask.

Now sen I have submittit my self to zour Lordship and freindis ye dishonour of it will evir stand vpoun zour Lordshipis houss and zour Lordshipis freindis albeit yat I have gottin ye skaytht without yat ane manifest mendis be maid to me.
Now that I have agreed to the policy of your Lordship and his friends, the dishonour will forever be on your heads if, despite suffering all this damage, I do not receive any compensation for it.

In gud faytht war nocht ye confidence yat I have onlie of zour Lordship under God for all ye geir yat evir I had or hes I wald nocht submit me to freindis in yir causses war nocht yat I am out of dout yat zour Lordship will have evir to my honour as to zour Lordshipis awin.
In good faith, were it not for the confidence I have in your Lordship and for my obligations to you for my possessions, I would not support you in your own causes. I have no doubt that your Lordship will respect my honour, as I respect yours.

And quhair zour Lordship writis certain heides quharthrow zour Lordship thinkis yat ye Clangregor suld be acceptit be zour Lordship and me for certaine caussis presently in ye realime.[7]
Your Lordship writes that you believe the Clan Gregor should be accepted (and forgiven) by us while certain affairs of the realm are in process.

And quhair zour Lordship writis for ye first artikle yat MacGregor and sa mony as wsis his consall of his kin and dependaris on and sa mony as he will put in bill to offer him and yaim in zour Lordshipis will and myin yair lyvis being saif hawand yair heritaigis and rowmis.
Your Lordship writes, in your first paragraph, that MacGregor and as many of his kin that follow and depend on him as well as as many others that he can gather should be offered their safety and they should have their possessions and lands restored to them.

As to yat my ansuer is yat I wald wit quhow mony is *and quhat yaiar* yat he wald gif in bill to yat effect yat I mecht be skaythtless of yaim in tymes cuming.
With regard to that, I answer how many are they, and who are the 'other followers', so that I should suffer no more damage from them in the future.

Secondlie quhair zour Lordship writis yat I wald be contentit to byid at ye seycht of zour Lordship and freindis toward MacGregoris interess and mariage.
Secondly, your Lordship writes that I should agree to follow the advice of your Lordship and your friends regarding MacGregor's 'interest and marriage'.

As to yat zour Lordship knawis yat I agreit *for his interes and mariage* be ane obligatioun maid be zour Lordshipis adwyiss and Colyne Campbell of Ardkinglass and John MacAlestar MacNachtain for ye sowm of sex hundrethe merkis[8] lyk as ye obligatioun beiris ye samin quhair of I will stand content.
As to that, your Lordship knows that I agreed 'for his interest and marriage' by an earlier agreement, [This was the offer made by Grey Colin in 1562 which Gregor found unacceptable and hence caused the revolt] made with your Lordship's advice, along with that of Colin Campbell of Ardkinglas and John MacAlestar MacNaughton, for the amount of 600 marks, I agree to stand by this obligation.

And albeit in ye said obligatioun yat it is specifeit yat ye tua MacGillechelleis was promesit to me I well exonar[9] MacGregor of yat point of ye obligatioun be ressoun yat yai ar ye Erll of Athoillis servandis.[10]
Albeit in that agreement, it was specified that the two MacGilleChelles were to be delivered to me [for justice], I exonerate MacGregor of that obligation as they are servants of the Earl of Atholl.

And as to MacGregoris kyndlie rowmis I can nocht mak zour Lordship ansuer of yat be ressoun yat ye Clangregor allegis yat mekle of ye rowmis yat I have suld be yairis bot quhowsoun yat zour Lordship advertesis me in MacGregoris name of ye rowmis yai desyir I sall send zour Lordship ansuer.
As to the kyndlie rowmes [lands occupied by members of the Clan Gregor], I cannot concede that as the Clan Gregor claim that many of the lands I have should be theirs, but as soon as your Lordship tells me which lands MacGregor claims for himself, then I will answer you.

Quair zour Lordship biddis me be ane gud maistir to yaim yair is na thing yat I will promess to yaim befoir zour Lordship and freindis bot ye thing I sall keip.
Where your Lordship commands me to be a good master to them, I will not make any promises unless I feel able to keep them.

And quhair zour Lordship desyris me to send ane assurance as to yat I send yaim nevir ane nochtwithstanding all ye assurance yat zour Lordship promesit yaim in my name I kepit ye samin and gif yai haive brokin ony I refer yat to zour Lordshipis awin jugement.
And where your Lordship desires me to send my assurance, as to that I will send it, not withstanding all the assurances your Lordship gave them in my name I have kept the same and if they have broken any your Lordship will have to judge them.

And for yis present tyme sa lange as zour Lordship thinkis I am contentit to assuir yaim and sal nevir be myndit to brek zour Lordshipis assurance God willing.
For the moment, as long as your Lordship wishes, I am content to offer them my assurances and shall never be minded to break your Lordship’s assurances, God willing.

For had ye Clangregor bein als faythtfull to zour Lordship in ye keiping of yair assurance as I have bein I had nocht gottin sic skaytht of men and geir as I have gottin.
For if the Clan Gregor had been as faithful to your Lordship in keeping their assurances, as I have been, I would not have suffered as much damage to my dependents and property as I have.

Bot I will refer yat to zour Lordshipis awin wesdom as I have done all ye rest and ye skaytht I have gottin.
But I refer that to your Lordship's wise counsel as I have always done and mention again the damages I have suffered.

And gif zour Lordship gevis yaim ane assurance in my name I pray zour *Lordship haist word to me of ye dait of ye assurance and quhow lange it induris quhidder Duncan MacGregor VicRoyrair and his complecis yat ar of ye Erll of Athoillis assistance be assurit be zour Lordship in my name or nocht to ye effect I ma keip my promessis to zour Lordship.*
If your Lordship gives them an assurance in my name, I request that you advice me of the date of its commencement and duration, also whether Duncan MacGregor of Roro and his followers that are followers of the Earl of Atholl's are also included by your Lordship in my name or not, so that I may keep my promise to you.

Gif yat my Lord of Sanctcolme and ye Justice Clark cumis fordward to zour Lordship with ye Quenis charges I sall adverteiss zour Lordship as I ma with deligence.
When Lord James Stewart, Commendator of Inchcolm, and Sir John Bellenden, the Justice Clark reach you with the Queen's commands, you can tell them that I will obey their instructions.

[1] 1 July 1565 [41].
[2] ‘Behovit’ or was necessary.
[3] William Maitland of Lethington, James Stewart, Commendator of Inchcolm, and Sir John Bellenden who brought the royal order to Ruthven Castle [Perth], TA XI, 375.
[4] William Murray of Tullibardine was later accused of purchasing letters against Grey Colin, 31 October 1565 [55].
[5] Monday 9 July.
[6] Possibly ‘ware' or ‘ward’: to waste one’s time.
[7] These were replies to the points contained in the separate Memo attached to [41], MacGregor, thesis, 350-1.
[8] Agreement made on 24 November 1562 , GD112/1/122-3; 125; MacGregor, thesis, 309-310.
[9] Free from an obligation.
[10] For the symbolic importance of the surrender of the two MacGille Cheallaichs, see MacGregor, thesis, 306-7; 350-1.

Date: 10 August 1565
REF:GD112/39/4/14 (SHS ed. No. 44)
Place: Lochgoilhead (Cowal)
From: Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of Argyll
To: Katherine Ruthven, Lady Glenorchy
Address: To ... Ladye ... ... vrquhaye delyvir ...

Antt eftir maist hartlie commendatioun.

Ze sall wit yat we haif writtin at lenthe our mynd to zour hwsband quhairbye ye may knawe ye manir yat we haif trawellit in to betwuix zour hwsband and MacGregar.[1]

And quhowe eirnist ye haill nobilitie of ye religioun is to hawe ye mater tayne vp ze will knawe be yair writtingis send with ye berar.[2]

And now I zow affectuouslie to assist zour hwsband with zour guid counsall to tak vp ye mater consedaring it is at sik ane poynt as ze may persawe be owir letir send to ye Lard and na thing bye ye Lardis last writting bot in sik small petetiovnnes as we are confedint to chairge ye Lard with quhilkis bayth to his honor [].

And yis I pray zow to be maist eirnist in to weill haist ffor sik cawssis as ye berar will schaw zowe quhom ze sall credit and yat(sic) committis zow to ye protectioun of God.

Off Lochgoillesheid ye x day of August 1565. Zouris asswritly, Archibald Ergyll

[1] A series of letters, now lost, passed between the 5th earl and Grey Colin around this time concerning the settlement with the MacGregors, see 3 August 1565 GD112/39/4/13 - not printed.
[2] These letters are not extant but a later set sent from the Duke of Châtelherault and the earl of Moray survive, 24 August 1565 [45-6].

Date:28 August 1565
REF: GD112/39/4/18 (SHS ed. No. 47)
Place: Lochgoilhead (Cowal)
From: Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of Argyll
To: Colin Campbell of Glenorchy
Address: To our traist cowsing ye Lard of Glenvrquhaye delyver yis

Traist cowsing eftir our maist hartlie commendatiounis.

It will pleis zow to wit yat eftir our commonyng with me Lord of Mwrraye at lencht in all materis and in respek of sik inconvenientis as apperit schortle to cum behand qwhilkis ar nocht vnknawin to zour self. And me Lord of Mwrraye schow to me yat he trawellilt witht zowe at lentht yairintill.

And efter lang cunsultatioun his Lordship schewe to me yat he trawellit witht zow anentis ye taking vp of ye mater betwix zow and MacGregor gif it mycht haif beine done be ony maner of waye.[1]

And ye Lard of Ardkinglass schew ws zour mynd at lyntht yairintill.

And tweiching ye desyris of MacGregor in his last messaige quhilk we thocht never yat cowld be agreable to zour honour throwe ye eirneist desyir of me Lord of Mwrraye and the rest of ye nobilite beand present mowit ws trewlie {fardar to travell}[2] in yat matter nor we thocht necessar eftir resett of MacGregoris importioun desyris as ye Lard of Ardkinglass {schew to zow.

And} ye sadis nobiletie haifand in mynd ye greit gwid that {zour beand} at libertie mycht do to zour haill breyren gif ze war {nocht at cummris witht zour awine. [3]

And als me Lord of Mwrraye {schew to me} sindrie heiddis concernyng ye Erlle of Athoill zour {nychtbour as ye}commonit at lentht with him I thocht guid to seik an wtter answer of MacGregor qwhairthrowe he is becum {mair easye and is} presentlie witht ws heir and ondir na appoint{uament yat} qwhill ye resett of zour ansuer with yis berar vpon ye heidis quhilkis differris na thing almaist fra zour awine lettir and last heidis.[4]

That is to saye MacGregoris lyif and his haill cumpanie to be free and in lik maner all skayethes, sclaychtorres or qwhatsumeuer awaye taking of gheir hes beine betwex zow in tymes bypast to be remittit and {forgiffin and} MacGregoris heretaige to be giffin to him at our sycht as zour {last} writting specifies for ye vjc merkis of compositioun.

And yat we and {ye sall put him} and his haill freindis in yair kyndlie rowmes and possessiounnis {as yai} war at ye begynnyng of ye cummer yai beyng trewe and {faythfull} to zowe.

And gif it salhappin him or ony of his {freindis to get ony} rowmes fra ony vyeris yai serwyng ws and zow vpon ye samyn rowmes we and ze baytht to fortifie and manteyine yame yairintill for yair gwid serwice as said is.

Mairowir ze sall wit yat yair is swm of ye principallis of MacGregoris kin yat is abill to depend vpon ye Erlle of Athoill.

In yat kaiss  MacGregor sall tak ane schort daye to get yair myndis and gif yat yai will nocht be content to cum with him in zour serwyss and owris in yat kaiss he wilbe content to persewe yame as ze and I will command him quhair euer yai be.

Ze and we defendand him yairintill and mentenyng ye maist speciall of his kin or breyer to brwik yair rowmes yat will nocht cum and he to pwt na man in yair said rowmes bot witht zour awyiss and owiris.

{And as} to yat heid trewlie we think it rycht guid ffor we wald yat tharselffes war be neckis als lang.[5]

And now last of all yai haif proponit ane matter to ws quhilk we think ze will nocht denye to ws quhilk is seyng we are passand of ye countreye instantlie as ye berar will schawe zowe.

We pray zow yat ze wald send Gregor MacCundoche {Ladosynchtis} sone[6] quhilk ze haif in captivitie to ws to ye Carik to remayne quhill our meitting and zouris.

And we promeiss faythtfullie to zow {to} keip him yair in our place quhill ye said tyme and yis will bring on ye mennis myndis mekle and als yai say yat yair is ane boye of yairis taine ye last daye be zowe quhilk boye we pray zow in lyik manner keip vnpwt downe [7] quhill our said meitting.

And gif ze think it gwid we vald {zour mynd}war haistit heirintill and als gif ze think it best to pwt ane asswrance betwix zowe quhill our haymecuming.

And fardar MacGregor promeissis faythtfullie to ws to do in tymes cumyng ye haill thing yat lyis in his powar to zour contentment and owres and to abyid our will and Campbellis in yair partis for zour contentment excepand ye heidis above writtin.

And now last of all we praye zow affectuouslie yat ze will schawe zour self willing and glaid in yir premisses.

And God willing we sall find ye waye yat ze sall lawicht zour tyme abowt at zour nychtbouris schortlie nochtwithstanding yat yai think yame selffis afoir ye hand.[8]

As to ye asswrance ze sall wrett to ws zour mynd yairintill and we sall do yaireftir in zour nayme and ze sall resaif ane lettir fra ye Dwik and me Lord of Mwraye tweiching ye samyn pwrposs.[9]

Fardar it will pleiss zowe gif credeit to ye berar.

Off Lochgoilisheid ye xxviij of August 1565. Zouris [asswritly], Archibald Ergyll

[PS] Eftir ye depesche [10] of yis bill we resaiffit ane writt... of zouris ane vyer of ye awld Ladye Twllebuidyinis [11] and als of Abyrkarnyis [12] anentis ye avaye taking of ... gwidis we dowbt nocht bot ze may knawe ye ... dewydit or ever yai come in our cwntre and is ... -tent yat yai sowld want enye of yair gheir and sall do our wttir diligenss to cawss  yame be restitut yairof ... maye be enye maner of waye.

And as we a.. ... inst... ... dewydit al scaphillance [13]  and past in syndre ..

[Zouris ...], [Archibald Ergyll]

[1] This suggests that Moray had an active role mediating in the MacGregor settlement, particularly in persuading Grey Colin and the 5th earl to make the necessary concessions.
[2]  Readings from GD50/116/192-5.
[3] The Lords involved in the Chase-about Raid were very keen to free Campbell forces from the MacGregor feud so that they could help their cause. Atholl had been made Lieutenant of the north and Argyll declared a rebel on 23 August 1565 , RPC, I, 357-8
[4] The points of the proposed agreement with Gregor MacGregor, who was with the earl in Lochgoilhead at that point, were listed, see MacGregor, thesis, 352-4.
[5] A curious phrase which presumably refers to stretching necks in the sense of the gallows.
[6] Gregor, the son of Duncan Laideus, who had been taken prisoner by Grey Colin, was to be sent to Carrick Castle to help concentrate MacGregor minds!
[7] Presumably a callous and inelegant way of asking Grey Colin not to execute the MacGregor ‘boy’.
[8] The 5th earl assuring Grey Colin that he will get the last laugh despite the fact that his enemies think they are ahead of him.
[9] See 24 August 1565 [45-6].
[10] Dispatch.
[11] Katherine Campbell, Grey Colin's aunt, who was the dowager Lady Tullibardine, see Appendix C.
[12] Robert Murray held Abercairney
[13] Probably ‘scaffery’, extortion.